the First Class
AI Vision Solution over World Value
Over the fourth Industrial revolution,
ZeroClassLab develops inventive solutions that have not been introduced to the world
and provides service which increases convenience in business.
ZeroClassLab Corp.
ZeroClassLab Corporation is the startup, providing superior
IT solutions to various industrial fields with high quality.
Our company is founded with recognition of our business potentials and values in the 2020 preliminary startup contest, held by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. On the continuance of developments and business extension, the smart factory market has taken a great attention on our solutions.

CEO Greetings

CEO Dongyeob Lee
ZeroClassLab Corp. is a company founded by university students who value a self-motivated attitude to solve problems that people face in this world.
I believe that experience earned through constant trials and failures has the most value. Operating my own business, I have gone through many challenges and hardships. However, with all supports and efforts from my team, we could constantly improve our personal abilities and extend our business in a short period of time.
We value the solutions that can support the business and people in an effective way. To achieve the goal, we will constantly think, discuss, experience, and put in trials.
Thank you, and we will do our best to create the IT solution over world value.
Corporate Culture
Great cooperation within team
No fear of challenge
High motivation for growth
Flexible working conditions
Company History
Selected as a preliminary start-up contest by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
Establishment of Zero Class Lab Corp.
2020 Logistics Startup Contest Excellence Award
Completion of the first prototype of the inventory management automation system
Volume measurement technology patent application
2020 ICT Challenge Minister of Science, Technology, Information and Communication Award
Selected as the best start-up by the Korean Standards Association
한국전파진흥협회 XR 랩 지원사업 선정
인천테크노파크 글로벌 산학연 지원사업 선정
(주)프론텍-(주)무른모 탭핑 공정 잔량 분석 소프트웨어 개발 납품

한국전파진흥협회 메타버스 랩 지원사업 선정
중소벤처기업부 초기창업패키지 선정